Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ancient Greek Book Review - 2400 Words

Ancient Greek Paired Book Review Ekki Lu Core 2 The books I read were the Odysseus and the Old Man and the Sea. In the Odysseus, the most memorable moment to me was that when Odysseus came back to his house as a beggar, the most men in his house all gave him food generously except Antinoos. Unlike the other men, he didn’t pity Odysseus at all. He called Odysseus the â€Å"nuisance that bad luck has brought to our spoil our dinner† (p. 221). He told Odysseus to â€Å"leave this hall with a sound skin after the piece of rudeness† (p. 221) and â€Å"picking up the footstool, he threw it, and hit him full on the back under the right shoulder† (p. 221). But Odysseus wasn’t afraid of him, he â€Å"stood firm as a rock† (p. 221) though it was painful. At that time,†¦show more content†¦It is very alike in the book the Old Man and the Sea. When the big fish started circling, the old man â€Å"had been seeing black spots before his eyes and the sweat salted his eyes and slated the cut ove r his eye and on his forehead† (p. 87), he â€Å"had felt faint and dizzy† (p. 87) every time the fish circled, but he still held the line all the time and never let it go. And after he caught the fish successfully, the sharks were coming after them. He didn t easily give up all the hope of survival, instead, he â€Å"was full of resolution† (p. 101) and decided to fight back. Due to his firm willpower, he killed all the sharks at last. During that fishing, the old man was alone all the time, only thing that supported him was his strong desire of survival. For both Odysseus and the old man, what they believed were not exactly the same though, it helped them to get through all the difficulties and finally achieved their wishes. How they overcome these sufferings had moved me deeply and left a profound impression for me. And all the memorable moments above can lead to one point – the books’ themes. For the Odysseus, the theme of the whole book was mainly about the will of backing home and getting freedom. Odysseus wasn t lucky enough to have a good fortune. But he didn t lose his hope. When he was forced to stay on the Calypso’s Island, he didn t submit to Calypso due to her

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